Thursday, March 12, 2020

NZ Glow Worms

Te-Anau Glow Worm Caves ~ by Jovan

In our next New Zealand adventure, we took a boat to a glow worm cave. First thing that you should know is that glow worms are not actually worms, they are actually a short-lived type of flying insect. When glow worms are in their larval stage that is the only time they eat. The glow worm has four stages:

1.      They live in the egg for 20-24 days
2.      Next they are a larva which is when the glow worm makes a nest and eats
3.      Then the glow worm starts to fly
4.      Finally the females die quickly after laying their eggs (1 day) and the males die of exhaustion in  5 days

Glow worms have these things called fishing lines, so they make a sticky line from their bodies that hangs down from their nest. Other insects can’t see it but then they fly into it and then their stuck and it gets eaten by the glow worms. The experience was so nice we got to see the glow worms glow (because they were hungry) and we got to see the lines to but they were so thin you could barely see them all in all it was way cool and be sure to look at the pictures.

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